Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Hot Motor, Hot Wind, Hot Fan

 The one heat source of a fan is the motor.  As the blades turn, a region of low pressure develops in front of the motor and draws heat from the motor into the air stream that heats up the wind coming at you.

Covers all holes in front of the motor.  The motor will still cool from the vents at the back.  There is a slight backdraft as the blades turn that runs over the back of motor.  This cools the motor and bring heat way from the front wind.

Without motor heat being drawn into the front stream, the fan is now cooler.

By a lot.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

More Platonic Magic

 If this is anti-gravity,

maybe to control it,

the structure can be broken in the middle and be rotated.  Partial contacts at the cut plane may produce reduced anti-gravitational effects.

What if two platonic solids are encased?

time and space?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Portals For Carbon Based Live Form

 Maybe for Carbon Based Live Forms, we should instead be traveling using,

a half cuboid instead of a half octahedron (a pyramid).  This way, nobody turns into marble on long journeys.
