Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Aurora Sword, Space

 Just in case you missed it,

the blade of this sword is encased as the platonic wire frame is.  The blade is an extension of one side of the wire frame.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

An Aurora Sword, Water

 Where the blade is an extension of the wire frame platonic solid,

A sword imbued with the quality of water, or any of the five platonic solids.

Friday, November 11, 2022


 \(15.088\,kHz \) 放大,

照沙,\(3.14485\,kHz\) 分二氧化碳为氧气和碳灰,把沙漠变成绿洲。




Thursday, November 10, 2022

Ground Plane And A Half Tetrahedron

 Half a wire frame (steel wire, since the envelope is copper) tetrahedron, a pyramid,

not a full structure embedded.

Do not make yourselves a Golem.

Werebat And Mixing DNA Molecularly

 Maybe werewolf is a misnomer, it was a bat,

and the device is activated by moonlight, or any sort of light.

Werewolf And Mixing DNA Molecularly

 What if the dog walks in,

since you are not laterally inverted, your non-mirrored self will live longer.






Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Clone Power Illumination

 If some amplification will help,

but at which end?  Illuminate the object or illuminate the clone.

Non Laterally Inverting Lens

 If not a spherical lens,

a non laterally inverting lens (convex lens) for a real inverted image. 镜像人,not necessary.

Instant cloning at the molecular level!






Sunday, November 6, 2022

Same Bounding Sphere

 This is how two platonic solid wire frames can be combined,

non-touching, but with the same bounding sphere of clay, cement, etc.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Updated ‘五大’

 This is an updated "五大", where ‘雷/空’ has been swapped with ‘風’,

‘空’, vaccum draws inward while ‘風’, disperses.  Together they are like magnetic, attract and repel.