Thursday, February 24, 2022

Shingles And Myopia

 If shingles gets in you eyes,

Herpes Zoster And S-S 372-5_495-22-734-25_824-37_177-979_1779-79 Hz

it will be a blurry event for life, useless RIFE frequencies for herpes zoster and resonnace frequencies for disulfide S-S bonds can kill the pathogens and prevents reinfection. 

Have a nice day, a bubbly and salty one.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Making It Hard

 What if we were to amplify the photon charge?

From the post "Just Lots of Colors, Retro Disco" dated 21 May 2014, where photons modeled as a dipole resonated at \(15.088\,\,kHz\).

Good night.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

It's Polio!

 Loss of co-ordination, loss of muscles strength are symptoms of polio,

Poliomyelitis 825-34_597-50_465-00_105-17 and S-S 177-979_1779-97 Hz

although the disease may not stay and turn chronic, it is still debilitative during the infection period.

Skate On!  If ears begin to itch persist.  If ears begin to hurt, turn down volume and rest.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Salty Myopic Distractions

Combining Botulinum Rife frequencies and frequencies to break S-S bonds,

Botulinum (tooth) 364-55_232-41 And S-S 177-979_1779-79 Hz 

is quickly very salty.

May clear vision be with you.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Twisted Bonds And Low Q Resonance

 This set of frequencies to break S-S bonds has white noise added to round off the frequency peak values to carter to a boarder resonance range,

 Breaking S-S disulfide And White Noise 1779-79_177-979 Hz

It can be used together with Rife frequencies for pathogens with associated toxins, especially A-B toxins and other toxins with labile S-S, disulpide bonds.

Happy Lunar New Year.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Myopia, Perniosis And Coronavirus

 This is a set of frequencies combining coronavirus and dissociation frequencies for disulfide (\(2.055\,\,A\)) 

Coronavirus and S-S disulfide 309-9_1217-5_1369-6_1779-79_177-979 Hz

and for Perniosis,

Perniosis (chillbains) 232 Hz

Perniosis (chillbains) 622 Hz

Perniosis (chillbains) 822 Hz

Perniosis (chillbains) 2112 Hz

Perniosis (chillbains) 4211 Hz

diseases are introduced into the eye sockets by first subjecting the cavities to a stream of very cold nitrogen.  The cold stream burns sores and the diseases then infect the wounds. 

That's what the liquid nitrogen canisters are for! All frequencies combined,

Perniosis 232_622_822_4211_2112 Hz

Happy Lunar New Year.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

因为,推背图第三十九象:壬寅 巽下兌上 頤 谶语里的

‘旭初升’,初九 日升 阳 错为 上六, 阴,是指变爻的话。 

那今年年卦离下坎上‘即济’的变卦就是,‘坎’变‘巽’,离下巽上 ‘家人’。


推背图第三十一象  甲午 离下巽上 家人 


当涂余孽, 秽乱宫闱。

一男一女, 斯送人国。


忠臣贤士尽沉沦, 天启其衷乱更纷。

纵有胸怀能坦白, 乾坤不属旧明君。 




‘当涂’,盛传。 ‘余孽’,余种。

‘纵有胸怀能坦白, 乾坤不属旧明君’,胸没事但头脑坏了。






‘忠臣贤士’ 为 ‘才’。 ‘纵有胸怀能坦白’,得‘诚’。‘旧明君’,明朝最后一个皇帝是‘崇祯皇帝’即‘明思宗’,名是朱由检’。没人用猪油做肥皂了。


‘忠臣贤士尽沉沦’ 得‘溺’,‘尿’。

‘天启其衷乱更纷’ 得 ‘天撒’。
