Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Distemper And Tamed Dogs

 Distemper turns out to be a prevalent infection, subcutaneous fat, and dark discoloration on the forearm disappeared using these frequencies,

Distemper 1269, 1950 Hz 

Have a nice day.

PS,  obviously a bunch of aliens are taming you like they tame dogs.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Pus Pressing On Eyeballs

 With so much infections in the eyes/eye sockets one would expect pus, and in deed,

Felon 659, 738 Hz


Polyp Laryngeal 202 Hz

Polyp Laryngeal 765 Hz

The first set of two frequencies work in general, frequencies for laryngeal polyps seem to work in the lower region of the eye sockets.

Good day

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Measuring Light Speed Outside

Light originating from within the experiment frame of reference, travelling at high speed, is still \(c\),


but what about light from outside the experiment frame of reference?  If this light beam is still measured at \(c\), then there is no Doppler Effects; relativistic Doppler shift will not apply.

Does time originates from outside the moving experiment frame of reference or does the experiment scoop a 'piece of time' with it?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Canned Soya Beans Products and Fish

 This is a novel way to use resonance to breakdown urea and ammonia,

Urea and Ammonia Breakdown 266-968 and 362-844 Hz

and for fish products,

Breaking Uric Acid And Ammonia 274-998, 362-844 Hz

Good night.

What About Us?

 If wrapping the rotor and/or linning the stator in an electric motor with a long carbon nanotube wire creates greater torque, what about,

What is the nature of such a wire?


Monday, September 13, 2021

To Be Justified...

 From the post "Misinterpreting More Data" dated 26 Dec 2017,


is the resonance for the smallest, negative temperature particle.

So, cool it.  Wait for the mud and flood...

Monday, September 6, 2021

The Dogs Have it

 These are three low frequencies for distemper.  In dogs distemper is a deadly viral disease.

Distemper 242 312 442 Hz

In people, in the eyes, myopia.  For human, high tones work better for viral infections,

Distemper 1269 Hz 

Distemper 1950 Hz 

Distemper 8567 Hz 

Teeth more.