Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Not All Jingle Bells Are Equal...

 It is important to realize that the darkness seen after rotating the second polarizer is due to interference of light after the beams have passed through the second polarizer. 

The third polarizer can be orientated such that light at \(180^o\) and \(90^o\) phase are diminished, the result is a brighter beam due to light at phase \(0^o\) and \(270^o\) that does not cancel when they interfere.

A polarizer produce a \(0^o\) phase and a \(90^o\) phase beam.  A second polarizer can be rotated in front of the first to block \(0^o\) phase and allow \(90^o\) phase, or block \(90^o\) phase and allow \(0^o\) phase or block both phase by causing them to interfere after the polarizer. 

A \(90^o\) phase beam can produce a diminished \(90^o\) phase beam and a brighter \(180^o\) phase beam after a polarizer.  At the same time, a \(0^o\) phase beam can produce a diminished \(90^o\) phase beam and a brighter \(0^o\) phase beam after the same polarizer.

This is the case, after second and third polarizer.  After the second polarizer is darkness as the beams interfere destructively.  The third polarizer results in two beams that do not cancel.

This one is nutty...

Updated Bell's Inequality

 Considering the last post "Quantum Weirdness No More" dated 10 Aug 21, this is the updated diagram where interference occurs at a point \(180^o\) and not beyond \(180^o\).

The third polarizer pushes photons beyond the \(180^o\) phase, they do not interfere and cancel completely and hence a brighter region. 

Complete cancellation occurs only at the point \(180^o\) phase, with an incident beam at \(0^o\) phase.

Quantum Weirdness No More

 If a light splitter and combiner introduce a \(90^o\) phase difference in the output beam(s),

In the last two 'blocked' cases, beams at \(0^o\) and \(180^o\), and beams at \(90^o\) and \(270^o\) do not interfere and cancel as they are on spilt paths.  Beams at \(180^o\) and \(270^o\) phases are visible beyond the outputs of the splitter.  These outputs are at opposite phase to the other outputs of the splitter, but do not interfere and cancel with them because they are on different paths.

Not weird.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Not Seeing Bell's Inequality

 Maybe our perception of photons is influenced by its phase.  The second polarizer shifted all photons beyond \(180^o\) phase and we don't perceive them.

A third polarizer pushes some photons back beyond \(0^o\) phase and once again become perceivable; hence a brighter region.

This would suggest that by pushing photons reflected off any body to the negative phase (\(\gt 180^o\)), it is possible to 'phase' it out of view.  Invisibility!