Monday, November 30, 2020

Gina, Gamma, GBL, GHB, All GBH








人的双眼,如‘天眼’和‘地眼’也翻了,且‘逍遥自在乐无边’ 那是毒品的祸害。


身不由己,只好麻醉自己,没感觉也没记忆。 这一剂可能是最后一剂,到是解脱的一剂。


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 据 透天玄機(鐵冠數)


爾乃 = 並

指行 = 食指伸直,點向某方。快捷伸出是‘彈’

不可 = 禁

同行 = 伴

“禁伴” 可能是個地名,諧音 ‘金畔’之類


並登州彈, ‘金畔’

但中國和北韓都沒有‘金畔’這個地方。不過前面一段“黑猿領兵”令人駭然。“木鍾自鳴” 更是直呼其名!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Breaking Together

 Breaking down uric acid using \(274.998\,Hz\) produces ammonia.  This ammonia burn is inside the fish, in the gills and on top of the digestive cavity.  If your fish gets a black eye after being subjected to uric acid breakdown frequency, use ammonia breakdown frequency, \(362.844\,Hz\) immediately.

Breaking Uric Acid And Ammonia 274-998 362-844 Hz

Both frequencies should be used together.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Breaking Hydrogen Cyanide

 CN triple bond length in HCN, hydrogen cyanide is \(1.156\,\dot{A}\)




Breaking Hydrogen Cyanide HCN CN Bond 316-831 Hz

This frequency will break nitrogen from carbon in hydrogen cyanide.  As for cyanide ion in ammonia salt.




Breaking Ammonium Cyanide NH_4CN CN Bond 320-831 Hz

And life goes on.

Ammonia Producing Bacteria

 A fair amount of ammonia is produced by the bacteria in the water, among the highest producers are,

Clostridium 132-50 Hz

Clostridium 325-75 Hz

Clostridium 480-5 Hz

Clostridium 851-17 Hz

the causative agent of botulinum, tetanus and diarrhea.  Also, Bacillus,

Bacillus Infections 73-30 Hz

Bacillus Infections 355-08 Hz

Bacillus Infections 359-00 Hz

Bacillus Infections 363-00 Hz

Bacillus Infections 393-00 Hz

Although, both sets of frequencies are purported for human infections, they might destroy the pathogens in water all the same.  Provided before in the post "They Are Not Sucking It In" dated 20 Oct 2020,

Enterobacter aerogenes HC 927-05 Hz

Not listed here are anaerobes that also produces large amount of ammonia.  There is no specific Rife Frequency for anaerobes.  Streptococci produces modest amount of ammonia,

Streptococcal Infections 70 Hz

Streptococcal Infections 369-75 Hz

Streptococcal Infections 385-40 Hz

Streptococcal Infections 842 Hz

Streptococcal Infections 932 Hz

Micrococci is also listed as a modest producer of ammonia, but there is no Rife Frequency for this genus of bacteria.

Good Night...

Saturday, November 7, 2020

奀皮鱼! Maybe Not So Stiff

 Somehow, these Rife frequencies make the fish more supple; the fish bent and turn more gracefully.

Giardia,Intestines 334 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 407 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 812 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 829 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 2018 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 4334 Hz

Giardia,Intestines 5429 Hz

Yes, it is still about fish and pork bellies.  奀皮鱼!  Unfortunately, goldfish not eaten.  The perceived gain in suppleness is visual and highly subjective.   Maybe, try the frequencies on tilapias that are stiff and see if they go soft, when steamed. 

Other Giardiasis Rife Frequencies include,

Giardiasis 97-50 Hz

Giardiasis 324-37 Hz

Giardiasis 425-52 Hz


Parasites giardia lamblia (trophozoites) 93-50 Hz

Parasites giardia lamblia (trophozoites) 386-40 Hz

Parasites giardia lamblia HC 1050-99 Hz

and for completeness sake,

Parasites giardia 421-40 Hz

Parasites giardia 424 Hz

Parasites giardia 426-30 Hz

These frequencies are close to 425.52 Hz and are not used together.

Have a nice day.

Note:  Giardiasis in the eye sockets, stiff eye movement and weak accommodation.  Maybe...Use Giardiasis frequencies with those for Listeria 744, 2162 Hz, etc from the post "Patient Fish" dated 10 Oct 2020, for myopia.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

WARNING: Ammonium Back To Ammonia

 it is possible that ammonium breakdown frequency 354.750 Hz, reduces ammonium (\(NH^+_4\)) back to ammonia!  This is so wrong.  Together with ammonia breakdown frequency at 362.844 Hz, stable nitrite (\(NO^-_2\)) can be produced; which can then be reduced further using 299.792 Hz, to \(O_2\) and \(N_2\).

There is simply to much going on that can deviate from the ideal situation where diatomic gases, \(O_2\) and \(N_2\) are the only stable product.

Resonance frequencies are dangerous.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Eyes Have It

 This fish disease, parasite Metagonimus Yokogawai effects human and can be in the eye socket.  The previous disease Columnaris, although reported as not zoonotic, I suspect can also be in the human eye socket.

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 93-50 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 275-43 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 386-40 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 437-35 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 526-07 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 680 Hz

Myo, myo, Myopia...If you have been drinking tap water that has a huge thing swimming in it just before, you better listen to these frequencies too.

For completeness sake,

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 120 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 250 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 440 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 442-10 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 750 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 925 Hz

Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 950 Hz

These frequencies are close (\(\lt \text{50 Hz}\)) to the previous set.  Playing them together with the previous set will create a slow beat that some find distracting.  As always, use at you own risk.

Black Eye And Dark Gills

 There is no specific Rife frequency for Columnaris, cotton mouth disease in fish but there is a set of frequencies for gram negative bacteria,

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 901-03 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 795-52 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 587-5 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 435-37 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 307-25 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 275-29 Hz

Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 183-85 Hz

Five of these frequencies (795.52 Hz, 587.5 Hz, 435.37 Hz, 307.25 Hz, 275.29 Hz) are also applicable to gram positive bacteria.

Have a nice day.


There is one other gram positive frequency,

Bacterial Infections, Gram (+) 163 Hz

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sulphur, Sulphide, Sulphate And Fish

The HS bond length in hydrogen sulphide is \(1.336\,\dot{A}\)




Sulphide HS Bond 273-763 Hz

This frequency will break hydrogen sulfide and produce hydrogen and sulphur.  But is sulphur alone poisonous to fish?  Sulphur is non-toxic to bluegill sunfish, rainbow trout, water fleas, and mysid shrimp, according a general search on the web.  And sulphate is relatively safe, it is in fish food.   Hydrogen sulphide is poisonous to human and fish.

Have a nice day.

Hidden Killer - The Rubber Band

The rubber band was the killer.  The common household rubber band has sulfur, soaked into water releases the sulfur.  Sulfur kills fish!  Do not use rubber bands in the aquarium.  Not to tie filter medium bag; not to tie plants not to bind air hose nor tie sponge at the filter intake.

Live long and prosper.