Sunday, February 26, 2017

Same Old, Same Old

We have seen this before, with conservation of energy where \(c^2\) is a constant,

\({v}^{2}_{t}+{v}^{2}_{s} = {c}^{2}\)

differentiating both sides with respect to time,

\(2{v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dt}+2{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx}\cfrac{dx}{dt}+{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx}{v}_{s}+{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx} = - \cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt}=-g\) --- (*)



(*) becomes,

\(\cfrac{1}{2}\cfrac{d{v}^2_{t}}{dx}=\cfrac{1}{2m}\cfrac{d\,E_t}{dx} = -g\)


where the minus sign indicates a decreasing time potential field \(E_t\) with \(x\) in the direction of \(g\).

In a gravity well, around a planet or black hole, we also has a time potential well.  This time potential is at its minimum when gravity is at its maximum.

Good day.



Saturday, February 25, 2017

Time Travel, Anti-Aging And Aging

Changing \(v_t\) makes time travel possible.  Returning \(v_t\) to its nominal value under gravity, \(v_{t,earth}\), returns us to the present reality.  Setting \(v_t\) higher than \(v_{t,earth}\) drives us forward in time, and setting \(v_t\) lower than \(v_{t,earth}\) brings us back in time, as time for the rest of the world launches forward.  In both cases, we disappear from the present reality.

Setting \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}=0\) makes freezing you in time possible, irrespective of \(v_t\).  Setting \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}=\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}_{earth}\) you move normally with the rest of the world on earth.  Setting \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\gt \cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}_{earth}\) you move faster than the rest of us and age faster...

For all possible relative values of \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) we are still rooted in the present reality.

Just thinking out for reverse aging...

Time Matters

There is time speed at \(v_t=c\) from the perspective of an individual not effected by any field (gravitational, charge nor temperature).

There is time speed at \(v_t=0\) in a black hole due to immense field (gravitational, charge or temperature).

And there is time as experienced \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) due to a time field as the result of passing wave particles at light speed with an oscillating orthogonal time component (time particles) or the presence of a BIG particle and in its surrounding field (eg. Earth and its gravitational field).

What is the difference between \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) and \(v_t\)?

If these two can be independent, then it is possible that we don't experience time (ie no \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) operator) when \(v_t\ne 0\).

If these two are not equivalent, then it is possible that even when \(v_t=0\) that the operator \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) does not blow up to infinity, as the time duration \(t\) when \(v_t=0\) is also zero.

\(v_t\) is time speed measured from an outside reference.  It is necessarily not zero (\(v_t\ne 0\)) when there is a passage of time of finite duration \(t\).  \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) is the change with time as we experience it ("inside reference").

Does the difference and non-difference matter?

Blackout And Suspended Animation

From the post "Magnetic Field In General, HuYaa" dated 13 Oct 2014,  at a point in space,

\(B\rightarrow \cfrac{\partial B}{\partial t}\)

as a wave particle with an oscillating orthogonal time component passes by with light speed \(c\).  The operator \(\cfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\) is the way by which we experience time.  In the absence of wave particles with an orthogonal time component, time stand still.

Which means in deep space travel away from any gravitational fields and sources of photons, time stops.  If our consciousness and bodily functions requires time, then during space travel in regions without gravity and light, we blackout and are in suspended animation naturally.  On returning to a gravity field (or any possible fields, temperature or charge), time starts up, we regain consciousness and snap out of suspended animation, naturally.

The speed at which we transverse a region devoid of wave particles is a different issue.  Time stops when we escape from the time field, irrespective of the velocity we travel through the time void.

To an observer, watching us pass by the void however, he experiences time as exerted by the local time field from time particles (all wave particles with an oscillating orthogonal time component) travelling at light speed.

He sees us traveling through the time void over a finite time interval; we however, do not experience the passage of time.

In this argument, travel at light speed not required to stop time, just being devoid of time particles is sufficient.  Is time dilation as proposed by Einstein still valid?  Yes.  Under conservation of energy,

\({v}^{2}_{t}+{v}^{2}_{s} = {c}^{2}\)

as we approach an gravitational field with a certain initial velocity, \(v_s\).  When we differentiate both sides with respect to time,

\(2{v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dt}+2{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx}\cfrac{dx}{dt}+{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx}{v}_{s}+{v}_{s}\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt} = 0\)

\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx} = - \cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt}=-g\) --- (*)

where \(v_t\) is time speed and \(g\), gravity.

A change in time speed over space as we enters the gravitational field results in acceleration \(\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt}\) in the gravitational field (for that matter, any possible fields, temperature or charge).  This acceleration is gravity; as if we are acted upon by a force, the gravitational force.

The logic here is reversed; time speed changes around a gravitational field  (ie. time dilation when expressed as \(\gamma\) with \(v_s\) as the variable) results in gravity.  So, different gravity offers different time speed.  The higher the gravity, pointing towards a center (not the origin at infinity, from which \(x\) is measured), the greater the decrease in time speed (because of the minus sign in equation (*)) as we approach in space;  Time speed slows down greater.   In a region of higher gravity, time is slower.  In the extreme case of a black hole, time standstill at its peripheral.

Now where do we go from there...?



Sunday, February 5, 2017

No Spin Is A Kind Of Spin

If collapsing \(\psi\) pushes one forward in time, and the universe is one big \(\psi\) particle then there is a simple explanation for time being in one forward direction only.  Time is normally, only in the "forward" direction because \(\psi\) in the universe is collapsing towards its center, to be recycled at the outer surface/rim, just as a basic particle.  The collapsing \(\psi\) creates a time force that pushes everything forward in time.

This would suggest at the "time" level of abstraction, all \(\psi\) is the same; all \(\psi\) exist in time.  Why then \(\psi\) manifest itself as charge, gravity and temperature?  Can there be a reason why particles of the same type but of different charge (positive/negative), when in spin manifest different fields (the remaining two field types)?

Any one particle type (both negative and positive needed) can manifest all three field types; charge, gravity and temperature.   No spin is a kind of spin.  The orthogonal component of the wave particle shows up when it is in spin.  This orthogonal component is still there when it is not in spin.  At this point however, we have already conceptually differentiated \(\psi\) in three types of two opposing charges.  This line of thought will not lead to an explanation for the three different field types proposed given a single undifferentiated energy density, \(\psi\).

Something outside of the established bound is needed.